Photo Album

The Department of Education’s  Speech Festival April 15, 2023 Photography by Ann D. Hansen  Presenters arrive early, greeting each other and checking heights.
Teacher Scott Hamasaki gives directions.
Proud parents take photos.
Presenters wait in the auditorium for the performances to start.  The director explains how the presentations will be done.
The judges introduce themselves.  For privacy reasons, there will be no photography during  the performances.
Scott Hamasaki and the Presenters pose in front of on  Presenters pose with hand signals.e of  Kaimuki High School’s murals.
All the Presenters and all the Kalihi Waena staff gather  for a group photo.
It is Spam musubi break time.
We move into the Gymnasium and settle in the bleachers.
Principal, Daniel Larkin, joins the KWES crew.
All of the teachers who sponsored a team were thanked. Scott Hamasaki stands to be acknowledged.
After all the festivities are over, the Kalihi Waena Presenters are  satisfied having had a full, exciting day.
The Kaimuki Honor Guard form an arch and all our Presenters  walk under the arch.